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The idea behind AbbinormalAdventures has been brewing for a while. I love the outdoors, and this blog is for the average enthusiast looking for some informational reviews, laughs, ideas, or your new "Reader's Digest" for when you're procrastinating going back to work.


I’ve been to some amazing places - all of the northwest states, Utah, Alaska, Hawaii, Mexico, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, and New Zealand. I’ve had some amazing memories and I’d love to share any of my experiences that may help you on your next adventure!


I’ve always loved being outside. I think a lot of that had to do with my parents and how my siblings and I were raised - respectful little heathens. We were raised in Northern Idaho, more or less in the middle of nowhere, in a farm / ranch style kind of country living that requires 4-wheel drive on dirt roads. We had animals to take care of, a giant garden that needed weeding, and chores a-plenty. We were up early, ate a home cooked breakfast, did our chores, then went outside to play. Mom would call us back in for lunch and we’d do a few more chores, go back outside, and then we’d come back for dinner, dishes, the rosary, and possibly a family movie with popcorn and ice-cream.


I’ve heard that this sounds a little “backwoods” or redneck. In fairness I was maybe a little naive about some things growing up. For all of the lack of pop culture knowledge though, I learned a lot from being outside as the tag-a-long little sister. I learned how to build forts and rafts, catch frogs and snakes, and ride horses and dirt bikes.


Nearly all of my childhood memories are of being outside running around. As I grew up my love and appreciation for nature also grew, and I started exploring more of my interests. During the end of high school and start of college I was the true broke college student living off of oatmeal, rice, and ramen concoctions. Hiking was the obvious cheapest choice - lucky for me that I love it! Over the years I’ve been able to go to some pretty amazing places.


It took me a little longer than I had expected to finish up college and I had a few breaks in-between, but on the way I landed in West Yellowstone (no, not the TV series…). It’s amazing there! I called West home for the better part of 6 years. It is an absolutely incredible place.


One of my first big girl buys was a pink and purple Tribute kayak that I bought for myself at the end of my first year in West. I wanted green, but I’m impatient and it wasn’t in stock, so I named him Floyd.. get it, it’s Pink, and I named it Floyd. He’s still with me and continues to be one of my favorite trusty side-kicks. He’s not built for white-water, but more so for fun river floats and paddling around lakes. He can handle some decent waves, but if you’re not careful he’ll soak your shit.

My other favorite side-kick is my Trek mountain bike, Peter, who is purple - again I wanted the red and orange option but I was impatient. I love him. He is pretty new though, I just got him 2 months ago because my last bike, Betty the Norco Badass, was stolen off of my pickup.. but karma is a B**** and I have faith that Betty is loyal and tosses the jack wagon off over every rock pile and knocks them into a tree. Peter though is pretty damn great and he handles like a champ.


During my time in West Yellowstone I met a boy… who turned out to be a man… His name is Jacob and he’s a born and raised Floridian (though I haven’t been in a true “Florida Man” scenario….. yet). I’ve now been living in Florida with Jacob and our little frenchie, Koko, in a 30 foot travel trailer since last winter. I’ve been acclimating to the heat fairly well - I reapply deodorant about once an hour but I’m not dying anymore. I’ve taken Floyd out with the ‘gators, Peter has bucked me off on a few pretty technical trails, and I’ve found out that nearly everywhere you go has sand.


All in all I love new experiences, and this blog, AbbinormalAdventures, is for the average enthusiast looking for some informational reviews, laughs, ideas, or your new "Reader's Digest" for when you're procrastinating going back to work.


I’ve been to some amazing places - all of the northwest states, Utah, Alaska, Hawaii, Mexico, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, and New Zealand. I’ve had some amazing memories and I’d love to share any of my experiences that may help you on your next adventure!

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